The Afro-The Afro-Latin American Research Institute at the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research (ALARI), Harvard University, has selected the 2023 Class for the Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop on Afro-Latin American Studies.
The seventeen members of the sixth edition of the Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop were selected from a pool of ninety-four applicants from Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, France, Haiti, Italy, Mexico, Peru, United Kingdom, and United States. Their work on variety of topics and time periods reflects the richness of Afro-Latin American Studies, with contributions from the fields of Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Education, Ethnography, History, Law, Public Health, and Sociology.
The 2023 Class of the Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop includes:
“Retomadas Tupinambás e Confluências Afroindígenas em Ilhéus-Bahia.”
- Luana Braga Batista, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ
“Inequalities in the Anthropocene: Black People Struggle for Land and Make a Revolution in Iaçu/Ba -Brazil.”
- Poliana da Silva Ferreira, Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas
“Driblando Os Mecanismos De Accountability: Raça, Hierarquias Raciais E Impunidade Nos Casos De Violência Policial.”
- Thiago dos Santos Molina, Universidade de São Paulo
“Pedagogias afrodiaspóricas: práticas de educação escolar forjadas na luta antirracista.”
- Claudia Ferreira Pinto da Silva, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
“Eu Te Benzo, Deus Te Cura: A Benzeção Como Prática De Cuidado Em Saúde.”
“Content and Form: The Black Press and Articulations of Blackness in Twenty-First Century Buenos Aires and São Paulo.”
- Carlos Henrique Garcia de Souza, Universidade Federal do Pará-UFPA
“Por um mundo mais do nosso jeito 1 : Pedagogingas e Ancestralidade Africana na Casa Preta Amazônia e Casa Do boneco de Itacaré (BA).”
“Constructing Races, Overcoming Racism: The Lost Utopia in Cuba (1880-1912).”
- Filipe Juliano, PPGAS – Museu Nacional, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
“Afro-entrepreneurship in Brazil: Struggling racial inequality and “Black Genocide” in the Market.”
- Mariana Katz, Columbia University
“Slavery in Republican Paraguay: Policing Masters and Becoming Esclavos de la Patria (1820-1840).”
- Alejandra Londoño Bustamante, Universidad de Deusto
“Balance de la discusión sobre la Educación histórica en torno a violencias coloniales racistas y sexistas en contra del pueblo negro afrodescendiente en la guerra contemporánea en Colombia.”
“Arte, Raça E Práticas Profissionais: A Bienal Do Museu De Arte Moderna De São Paulo, Um Estudo De Caso.”
- Manuel Robles, University of Pittsburgh
“Gender and Women in the Afro-Mexican Movement.”
- Alexander Stephens, University of Michigan
“’Coming of Age’: Juvenile Delinquency in Cuba from the 1950s through 1960s.”
- Benoit Vallee, University at Albany, SUNY
“Scratchin’ Ethno-Racial Preconceptions: Dominican Hip-Hop Artists Disrupting the Black and Latina/o/x Binary.”
“The Black (but “not Black”) Sheep of the Diaspora: How Dominican Immigrants Understand Racial and Ethnic Identity in the U.S.”
- Meg Weeks, Harvard University
Citizenship Claims of Afro-descendent Women of Brazil’s Domestic-Worker Movement
Many thanks to the members of the University Consortium on Afro-Latin American Studies for serving on the Selection Committee for their effort in selecting the class of 2023.
A yearly event hosted by the Afro-Latin American Research Institute, the Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop is supported by a bequest from Mark Claster Mamolen (1946-2013) and by the Ford Foundation, and is conducted in partnership with the International Academic Program of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (IAP UAM) with support from Fundacion Asisa.
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