Angela Eva Gutierrez

Angela Eva Gutierrez
Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop Alumnus 2023

Angela Eva Gutierrez began her higher education at Oklahoma City Community College, receiving an associate’s degree in the humanities. She transferred to the University of Oklahoma to complete her Bachelor’s degree in International Area Studies with a minor in German. In 2016, Angela began the Master’s degree program in Inter-American Studies at Bielefeld University in Germany. She is currently a Ph.D. student at the Bielefeld Graduate school in History and Sociology (BGHS), working with the collaborative research center SFB 1288 “Practices of Comparing” in sub-project F01 titled “(World) Orders and Societal Futures: Racist Practices of Comparing in the Caribbean 1791-1912.” Angela Gutierrez’s dissertation working title is “Constructing Races, Overcoming Racism: The Lost Utopia in Cuba (1880-1912).”


– Global history, global microhistory

– Latin American History

– Inter-American Studies

– Practice theory, praxeology

– Practices of comparing