Pamela Zabala Ortiz is a PhD Candidate in Sociology at Duke University. She will complete the PhD in 2024 with a certificate in Caribbean and Latin American Studies. Zabala Ortiz’s research interests include race and ethnicity, racial identity formation, migration, and Latinx (anti-)Blackness. Her dissertation is titled The Black (but “not Black”) Sheep of the Diaspora: How Dominican Immigrants Understand Racial and Ethnic Identity in the U.S. is a qualitative exploration of how and where Dominicans are situated in conversations about what it means to be Black, and about who can claim that label, in the United States. More broadly, her research agenda addresses ongoing questions in the field of Sociology about the intersections of race and migration, the racialization of Latinxs, and how ongoing demographic change in the U.S. influences racial relations.
Pamela Zabala Ortiz
Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop Alumnus 2023