Meztli Yoalli Rodriguez Aguilera

Meztli Yoalli Rodriguez Aguilera
Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop Alumna 2020

Meztli Yoalli Rodríguez Aguilera is a PhD candidate in Latin American Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. Her work examines the everyday resistances and alliances between black and indigenous women in the community of Zapotalito on the Pacific Coast of Oaxaca.  These community members are in struggle against an ecocide in their territory: the Chacahua-Pastoría lagoon is that began to die from pollution and lack of oxygen, due to multifactorial causes related to failed ecoturistic state projects, transnational factories and pesticides.The historical invisibilization of black population, and the folklorization of indigenous population in Mexico is deeply entangled with anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism that constitutes the national project of mestizaje. Her work explores the intersections between gender, race and the environment in Mexico, in the context of anti-black and and anti-indigenous racism that constitutes the national project of mestizaje.