Edimilson Rodrigues

Edimilson Rodrigues
2019 Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop Alumnus

His research interests are concentrated in the trajectory of popular leaders (religious agents, trade unionist, peasant and indigenous) killed in areas of intense land conflicts in the Amazon and Northeast of Brazil, transformed into martyrs and encantados. With particular attention to the symbolic dimension of the struggle for land in these two regions, focusing on the rituals that articulate elements of Catholic, indigenous and Afro-Brazilian religious matrices, especially the intimate rites of devotion that, when transcending into the public sphere, connect people to events read as extraordinary, explained by the manifestation of divine forces, supernatural or extrahuman, and described by his interlocutors as sounds, sensations, visions and incorporations, mediated by spirits, forces and entities (caboclos, encantados, orixás). His main topics of interest are: cosmopolitics, afroindigenous relationship, performance and ritual narrative.