Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop Class of 2022

The Afro-Latin American Research Institute at the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research (ALARI), Harvard University, has selected the 2022 Class for the Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop on Afro-Latin American Studies. 

The sixteen members of the fifth edition of the Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop were selected from a pool of fifty-three applicants from universities and research institutions in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, India, Mexico, Peru, United States. Their work on variety of topics and time periods reflects the richness of Afro-Latin American Studies, with contributions from the fields of Anthropology, Archaeology, Education, History, Humanities, Public Health, Sociology, and Visual Arts.

The 2022 class of the Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop includes:

  • Elvira Aballi Morell, Vanderbilt University

“El arte femenino: Desvelando los códigos de la Sociedad Abakuá”

“¿Peones libres? Race, Minting, and (Un)Free Labor (1746 – 1825)”

  • Vanessa Castaneda, Dartmouth College

“Traditional and Political: A Reconceptualization of Brazil’s Baianas de Acarajé”

“‘Diasporic Dialogues’: Marcus Garvey’s Negro World and the Critical Engagement of Afro-Latinx Resistance Narratives in the Early 20th Century”

  • Rosemeri Maria Conceição, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

“Entre Dandis e almofadinhas: modos de vestir e ascensão social da população negra no Brasil do Pós Abolição”

“An Unresolved Matter: Black Women Question Their Legal and Social Disenfranchisement in Nineteenth-Century Brazilian, Haitian, and Dominican Fiction”

  • Tathagato Ganguly, University of Delhi

“Spaces of Extraction: Comunas Negras and Extractive Industries in Esmeraldas, Ecuador”

  • Jairo Eduardo Jiménez Sotero, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México

“Grupos afrodescendientes y milicias coloniales en la Costa central de Veracruz. Política, sociedad y defensa militar. Siglo XVIII”

“’O samba é meu!’ – luta negra pela história e memória da música popular no Rio de Janeiro, 1968-1920”

“’Eu não entrevisto negros’: análise de narrativas da branquitude sobre (anti)racismo corporativo”

  • Larissa de Souza Reis, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

“Mulheres Negras, Contos Afro-Brasileiros e o Racismo na Escola”

  • Alejandro Richard, Universidad de Buenos Aires

“Como epílogo de la esclavitud, y continuidad de una historia racializada: Los manecos de La Capilla”

  • Adrienne Rooney, Rice University

“Cartographies of Kinship in the Inaugural Caribbean Festival of Arts”

  • Daniela Priscila Oliveira do Vale Tafner, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC

“Quotidiano Das Famílias Afrodescendentes Haitianas Migrantes Refugiadas: O Imaginário Contribuindo Para Um Cuidado Promotor Da Saúde”

“Pesquisar, Selecionar, Manipular, Arranjar e Exibir: a apropriação fotográfica na produção artística de Rosana Paulino”

  • Daniel Felipe Zapata Villa, Universidad del Valle

“El papel de las mujeres y los hombres del siglo XXI en la resistencia al conflicto y construcción de paz en Tumaco”


A yearly event hosted by the Afro-Latin American Research Institute, the Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop is supported by a bequest from Mark Claster Mamolen (1946-2013) and by the Ford Foundation, and is conducted in partnership with the International Academic Program of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (IAP UAM) with support from Fundacion Asisa.

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