Meg Weeks is Assistant Professor at teh University of Florida at Gainesville. She is a 2011 magna cum laude graduate of Brown University, where she wrote a prize-winning honors thesis on political organizing and government policy in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Her research interests include race, gender, and social movements in twentieth-century Latin America, particularly in urban Brazil. Her dissertation focuses on grassroots activism among sex workers and domestic laborers during Brazil’s transition from dictatorship to democracy in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. She is also a Portuguese translator and a writer on art and politics in Latin America, with publications in a number of non-academic journals including Two Lines, Frieze, Artforum, n+1, Revista Rosa, and piauĂ. Her annotated translation of the memoir of Gabriela Leite, the founder of Brazil’s sex-worker movement, is forthcoming from Duke University Press.