In response to the United Nations Resolution that proclaims 2015-2024 as the International Decade for People of African Descent (resolution 68/237) the ALARI has launched an ambitious program of consultations where activists from the Afrodescendant movement in Latin America, representatives of international agencies and foundations, government officials, and scholars come together to articulate concrete goals for the Decennial. This goal has been materialized in April 4, 2017, when the Organization of American States signed a collaborative agreement with the Hutchins Center in order to promote knowledge of and respect for people of African descent in Latin America. The first meeting of the project “Afrodescendants: Fifteen Years after Santiago. Achievements and Challenges” took place at Harvard University in December, 2015, followed by two International Symposia in 2016 and 2017 at Universidad de Cartagena and Harvard University respectively.