104 Mount Auburn Street 2R, Cambridge MA 02138
Marial Iglesias Utset was Professor of Philosophy and History at the University of Havana for 25 years. She earned her Ph.D. in Historical Sciences at the University of Havana and her M. Phil. and her B.A. at Moscow State University. Her research fields include Culture and Race in Cuba, Atlantic Slavery, and African Diaspora Studies.
Her book Las metáforas del cambio en la vida cotidiana, a history of everyday life in Cuba during the US military occupation (1898-1902), has received several prizes, including the Clarence H. Haring Prize, which is a quinquennial prize awarded by the American Historical Association to the Latin American author who has published the most outstanding book on Latin American history during the previous five years. The book has been recently translated into English and published by the University of North Carolina Press under the title A Cultural History of Cuba during the US Occupation, 1898-1902. She has recently been a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for the Humanities at the University of Michigan and a Long-term Research Fellow at the John Carter Brown Library.
In collaboration with Cuba Studies Program at David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies
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